SiPongTiwi's Weblog

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

water transportation in plant

Water Transportation in Pacar Air Plant
Ø  The Purpose: To know  what happen in transportation water of Pacar Air Plant
Ø  Tools and material:
·         Pacar air plant
·         Teres
·         Knives and razor
·         Topless or glass of aqua
·         Water
Ø  Procedure:
·         Prepare a pacar air plant
·         Cut the root of pacar air plant
·         Prepare the glass of aqua
·          Enter  the plant into the glass of aqua
·         Spread the teres to the water
·         Look the change of the colour of the stem or the move of  teres in plant.
Ø  Result:
·         The first teres will move up form the under stem to the top of the plant and some leaf  too
·         The second all of the stem will change colour form green to red
·         The third some leaf change colour form green to red
·         Water with teres will move form under to the top pass through xylem
·         The velocity of the move water will fast if many leaf in the plant \
·         Water will up faster if  the plant attached with the sun light
Ø  The conclusion :
Water transportation depend on
·         Capillarity of stem
·         More or less a leaf in the plant
·         The sunlight

Nama : Yoga Murtono
Kelas/no: 8c/27

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